"RBPAKTM - Compatible UPS Replacement Batteries & Packs
"As Good, or Better Than the Original *"
VPS Compatible RBPAKs are designed to be truly compatible, both in physical dimension and electrical performance.
Using the same or similar components as the original manufacturer, at a better cost.
Truly Compatible UPS Battery Replacements
As good or better than the original,
At a significantly lower cost.
CSB are leaders in UPS replacement batteries, offering high quality compatible APC RBC11 batteries (Replacement Battery Cartridge #11) at a significantly lower cost.
Our batteries are of the highest industry standard, rivalling the durability and performance of standard APC replacement batteries. All our batteries come with a 1 Year Warranty.
Price: £229.36
Price With Tax: £275.23
Not sure if this is the correct battery for your UPS?
If you need help finding the correct battery for you UPS System either call our support team or use the guide below
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